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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Smart Kids à·ƒීනි සම්බෝල පාන් දන්සල

 Smart Kids à·ƒීනි සම්බෝල පාන් දන්සල

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Friday, May 26, 2023

Lesson of 5 Sense - Activity

 Lesson of 5 Sense - Activity

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The five senses of the human body, often referred to as the five traditional senses, are sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. They play a crucial role in our perception and understanding of the world around us. Here's a brief overview of each sense:

Sight (Vision): Sight is the ability to perceive and interpret visual stimuli using our eyes. It allows us to see and distinguish shapes, colors, depth, and movement. Our eyes capture light, which is then processed by the brain to form images.

Hearing (Audition): Hearing is the sense that enables us to perceive sound vibrations. Our ears detect sound waves in the environment, which are then transmitted to the brain for interpretation. Hearing allows us to communicate, enjoy music, and be aware of our surroundings.

Taste (Gustation): Taste, as mentioned earlier, refers to the ability to detect different flavors through taste buds on our tongue. It allows us to differentiate between sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami tastes, enhancing our enjoyment of food and helping us discern potentially harmful substances.

Smell (Olfaction): Smell is the sense that enables us to detect and identify odors in the air. Our olfactory system, located in the nasal cavity, contains receptors that interact with airborne molecules. The brain then interprets these signals, contributing to our sense of taste and our overall perception of the environment.

Touch (Somatosensation): Touch is the sense that provides information about physical contact and pressure, temperature, and pain. It is spread throughout our body, with specialized receptors in our skin, muscles, and internal organs. Touch allows us to feel textures, temperatures, pain, and other tactile sensations.

These five senses work together to provide us with a comprehensive understanding of the world and our experiences within it. They allow us to interact with our environment, communicate, and navigate our daily lives.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Origami Paper Activity - Paper Handwork

 Origami Paper Activity - Paper Handwork

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Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. In modern usage, the word "origami" is often used as an inclusive term for all folding practices, regardless of their culture of origin. The goal is to transform a flat square sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Parts of The Face

 Parts of The Face 

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Eyes: The eyes are the organs of vision. They allow us to see and perceive the world around us.

Nose: The nose is the part of the face that protrudes from the middle and is used for breathing and smelling.

Mouth: The mouth is the opening in the lower part of the face. It is used for eating, speaking, and expressing emotions like smiling and laughing.

Ears: The ears are the organs of hearing. They are located on the sides of the head and help us to hear sounds.

Hair: The hair is the covering on top of the head. It can be of different colors, textures, and lengths.

Forehead: The forehead is the area between the eyebrows and the hairline on the upper part of the face.

Cheeks: The cheeks are the fleshy parts on the sides of the face, below the eyes and above the jawline.

Chin: The chin is the protruding part of the lower jaw. It is located below the mouth.

Lips: The lips are the soft, movable parts at the opening of the mouth. They are used for speaking, eating, and expressing emotions.

Eyebrows: The eyebrows are the curved lines of hair above the eyes. They help protect the eyes from sweat and debris and also play a role in facial expressions.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Birthday Celebration - Dinuthi

 Birthday Celebration - Dinuthi

2023 May 19th 

Happy birthday 🎂  to our little princes, may all your life fill with real joy, happiness 💌💌

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Happy Mother's Day 2023

Happy Mother's Day  

🌸 Happy Mother's Day to all the incredible moms out there! 🌸

Today, we celebrate the unwavering love, strength, and dedication that each and every one of you brings to your role as a mother. You are the heart and soul of your families, the guiding light, and the source of endless comfort.

To all the new moms navigating the beautiful journey of motherhood, may you cherish every precious moment with your little ones and embrace the joy they bring into your lives. You are doing an amazing job, and your love knows no bounds.

To the experienced moms who have weathered the ups and downs, thank you for your wisdom, patience, and unconditional love. Your guidance has shaped the lives of your children and taught them valuable lessons that will stay with them forever.

To the working moms who effortlessly balance their careers and family responsibilities, we admire your resilience, determination, and the countless sacrifices you make. You are an inspiration to us all.

To the single moms who juggle multiple roles and responsibilities, your strength, courage, and love are truly remarkable. You are superheroes, and your children are blessed to have you as their guiding light.

To the moms who have lost their children, we embrace you with love and compassion. Your strength and resilience are awe-inspiring. Your love continues to shine brightly, and your children's spirits live on through you.

Today, let's take a moment to honor and appreciate every mom—biological, adoptive, stepmoms, grandmothers, and mother figures—who have shaped our lives with their unwavering love and support.

Wishing you a day filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments with your loved ones. You deserve all the love and appreciation in the world. Happy Mother's Day! ❤️🌺

#HappyMothersDay #MothersDay #MomLove #MomLife #Motherhood #MomStrong #SuperMom #BestMomEver #MomAndMe #MomentsWithMom
#MotherlyLove #MomsAreHeroes #CelebratingMoms #MomAppreciation
#FamilyFirst #MotherFigure #MomentsOfJoy #MomentsTogether
#MotherDaughterLove #MotherSonBond

Friday, May 12, 2023

Heartwarming Surprises: Smart Kids Kids' Present Beautiful Mother's Day Cards

 Heartwarming Surprises: Smart Kids Kids' Present Beautiful Mother's Day Cards

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At Smart Kids Nursery, we believe in nurturing creativity, love, and appreciation in our little ones. As Mother's Day approached, the air at our nursery was filled with excitement and anticipation. The children eagerly embarked on a heartfelt mission to create beautiful cards for the remarkable women who hold a special place in their lives. In this blog post, we invite you to witness the love and creativity that flourished as the Smart Kids Nursery kids prepared delightful surprises for their mothers.

The Magic of Little Hands:
Step into our bustling nursery classroom, where tiny hands meticulously selected colors, cut shapes, and delicately adorned cards with love. We'll take you behind the scenes, showcasing the process of creation and the sheer delight that filled the room as the children poured their hearts into each unique masterpiece.

Expressions of Love:
Prepare to be captivated by the sincere and genuine expressions of love that adorned each card. From scribbled lines to carefully written words, the children conveyed their gratitude, affection, and admiration for their mothers. We'll share some of the most touching messages that emanated from the hearts of these young artists.

Unveiling the Beauty:
Join us as we witness the magical moment when the children proudly presented their handmade cards to their mothers. The anticipation, the excitement, and the joy that filled the room were palpable. We'll capture the priceless expressions of surprise, the tight embraces, and the tears of joy that flowed as these heartfelt gestures were revealed.

Celebrating the Bond:
In this section, we reflect on the unique bond between a child and their mother. We delve into the significance of Mother's Day and the immeasurable impact mothers have on their children's lives. Through interviews with the children and their mothers, we'll explore the depth of appreciation and the profound love that exists within these relationships.

we celebrate the love, creativity, and gratitude that emanated from the Smart Kids Nursery kids as they crafted beautiful cards for their mothers. We extend our warmest wishes to all the incredible mothers who nurture, inspire, and support their children. May the heartfelt surprises from these young artists serve as a reminder of the profound bond shared between a child and their mother, cherished today and always.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Smart Kids - Vesak Celebration 2023

 Smart Kids - Vesak Celebration 2023

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Vesak, also known as Buddha Purnima or Buddha Jayanti, is a significant Buddhist festival celebrated by Buddhists worldwide. It commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. The festival usually falls on the full moon day in May.

The Vesak celebration is marked by various religious and cultural activities that vary across different Buddhist traditions and countries. Here are some common practices and customs associated with Vesak:

Temples and Homes Decoration: Buddhist temples and homes are adorned with colorful decorations, including lanterns, flags, and flowers. These decorations symbolize joy, enlightenment, and the impermanence of life.

Observing Sila: Many Buddhists choose to observe Sila, which involves following a set of moral precepts. This may include abstaining from killing, stealing, lying, consuming intoxicants, and engaging in sexual misconduct.

Meditation and Chanting: Buddhists often engage in meditation and chanting of sacred Buddhist texts on Vesak. These practices aim to cultivate mindfulness, inner peace, and spiritual development.

Giving Alms: Generosity is an essential aspect of Vesak. Buddhists often participate in giving alms to monks and the less fortunate. It is believed that such acts of kindness generate positive karma and contribute to one's spiritual progress.

Vesak Processions: In some countries, especially in Asia, grand processions are organized on Vesak. Devotees gather to march through the streets, carrying Buddhist flags, religious symbols, and statues of the Buddha. These processions often include chanting, music, and colorful displays.

Dana (Charitable Giving): Dana refers to the practice of giving and sharing. Many Buddhists engage in acts of charity and donate to the needy and charitable organizations during Vesak. This includes offering food, clothing, and other essentials to those in need.

Illumination and Light Displays: Vesak is known for its beautiful illumination and light displays. Temples and homes are adorned with countless lights and lanterns, creating a mesmerizing sight after sunset. The lights symbolize the light of Buddha's teachings illuminating the world and dispelling ignorance.

Teaching and Discourses: Vesak provides an opportunity for Buddhist monks and scholars to deliver teachings and discourses on the life and teachings of the Buddha. These talks aim to inspire and educate devotees about the path to enlightenment and the core principles of Buddhism.

Vesak Bathing Ritual: Some Buddhists participate in a ritual called "Bathing the Buddha." They pour scented water over statues of the Buddha, symbolizing purification, renewal, and the washing away of past sins or impurities.

Overall, Vesak is a time for Buddhists to reflect on the life and teachings of the Buddha, practice generosity and compassion, and deepen their spiritual practice. It is a joyous occasion that brings together communities, fostering a sense of unity and shared reverence for the Buddha's wisdom and enlightenment.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Vesak Greeting Card - Dried Leaves & Flowers

 Vesak Greeting Card - Dried Leaves & Flowers

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Vesak Greeting Card – Dried Leaves & Flowers


  • Dried leaves
  • Dried flowers
  • Cardstock
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pen or marker


  • Gather materials
  • Cut cardstock to desired size
  • Arrange dried leaves and flowers on cardstock


  • Glue dried leaves and flowers to cardstock
  • Cut out any excess dried leaves and flowers
  • Write a greeting message on cardstock

Finishing Touches

  • Add more dried leaves and flowers to the cardstock
  • Use scissors to create decorative edges on the cardstock
  • Add any other design elements to the card


  • Use a variety of colors and shapes of dried leaves and flowers
  • Add ribbon or glitter to the card
  • Use glitter glue or paint to create a background


  • Create a 3D card by using foam shapes
  • Create a layered card with multiple layers of cardstock
  • Use scrapbook paper to create a unique background


  • Consider using a sealer or clear coat to protect the card from wear and tear
  • Use a spray adhesive to make sure the dried leaves and flowers stay in place
  • Use a light-colored cardstock for the best visibility


  • Frame the card for wall or table display
  • Create a card holder to display the card
  • Hang the card from a ribbon or string


  • Store the card in a card box or folder
  • Use an envelope or plastic sleeve to protect the card
  • Store the card in a safe location away from moisture and direct sunlight

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Creating a Vesak Lantern - Group Work

 Creating a Vesak Lantern - Group Work

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